Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How much does it cost a year for basic vet care for a rabbit?

It really depends on the rabbit and the vet. My vet doesn't charge much- $15 for an office visit, about $100 for spay/neuter. If you live in a large city expect at least double that cost. Other than that it really depends on if they get sick or not. One of my rabbits had GI stasis once- $100 for an x-ray plus office visit fee and meds. Another has a problem with easily plugged tear ducts- three visits last year at $30-50 each, so far none this year. A thirdl was seriously injured during a bonding attempt and I had to rush her to an emergency vet at night- $100 just to walk in the door. Total cost would have been about $600 except they knocked some of the fees down for me out of kindness.

If you are in the UK, you'll need regular vaccinations. VHD yearly, Myxomatosis 1-2 times a year depending on your vet's recommendations. I don't know what the price is because I'm in the US.How much does it cost a year for basic vet care for a rabbit?
it depends on the rabbit. it can cost anywhere from $0-$500! unless something is wrong you dont HAVE to tak it to a vet but you should have yearly check ups.How much does it cost a year for basic vet care for a rabbit?
I had my rabbit for 7 years before I had to give him away and only took him to the vet once the whole time, because he never got sick (except for abscesses he got regularly after being attacked by my bird). Relatively little should be spent on taking them to the vet.
rabbits are one of the best kinda of pets becuz you rarly ever have to take them to the vet becuz they dont need to have shots and flee meds like cats and dog. the only reason you would really need to take your rabbit to the vet is to be fixed it ranges form 25-70 dollars depending on where you live. now if your bunny become sick or hurt then you would need to take him to the vet but you dont see that alot in rabbits just dont give them a bath and yoou should be ok.
Unless your rabbit is sick, you really don't have to take a rabbit to the vet. If you do, it can vary. I took mine in twice and once the bill was $500! She stayed over night, they drew blood twice and gave her insulin. She was diabetic.

Just follow the advice of a veterinarian or a breeder as far as the care of a rabbit goes if you're unsure. Rabbits have sensitive diets. Be sure to feed them proper food. I had to experiment with my rabbit's diet since she is so sensitive.

Best wishes!
i am not sure but i never took my rabbit to the vet because they could get so over whelmed they could have a heart attack but i gave them rabbit vitamins and just took good care of them and they lived 8yrs and the other one 10yrs

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