Friday, May 14, 2010

Does any one know if there is a difference between a silver rabbit and a silver fox rabbit is?

okay, so i have this rabbit and i wasn't sure what kind she was when i got her so i did some research and i am pretty sure that she is either a Silver or a Silver fox rabbit. but i am not sure if there is a difference between the two!Does any one know if there is a difference between a silver rabbit and a silver fox rabbit is?
A Silver rabbitcan come in one of three colors(varities), black, brown or fawn. The maximum weight is 7 pounds with an ideal weight of 6 pounds. Silver Fox come in 1 variety they weigh between 9-11 pounds when full grown, with an ideal weight of 9 1/2 pounds.

The Silver has a narrow face where the Silver Fox has a much fuller boxy shaped head and face. Silver Fox are much rounder looking and the Silver is sleek and racy looking.

I got this information from the ARBA Standard of Perfection. The Silver is on page 195 and the Silver Fox on page 197. There are color pictures of them also on page 50.

Both of these breeds are fairly rare. I show rabbits in Ohio and have never seen either breed at a show.

I am not sure where you got your pet from but if it did not come from a breeder of either of these breeds it is most likely a crossbreed. Most rabbits from petstores are mixed breed.

Good luck with your new rabbit, they are great pets. I love all of mine.

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