Saturday, January 16, 2010

My rabbit is really aggressive and always acts up. What can i do about it?

Also, she never eats her food or drinks any water i leave herMy rabbit is really aggressive and always acts up. What can i do about it?
I definitely agree with Angela's comment. If she's not eating get her to a vet ASAP... If you can't do that, then try feeding her some veggies instead of just Timothy hay or pellets. You can dip a piece of dark green lettuce (romaine, not iceberg!) into water and then feed it to her so she's getting a bit of water as well. But seriously, bunnies can die in 24hrs if they're not eating, so this is kind of a bunny emergency. With the aggressiveness, I forget if you said how old she is but if she's under 8mths or so and hasn't been spayed, that could be why. Try to give her some space and get her to trust you better. Bunnies can be aggressive for many reasons... If you put your hand in her cage she can get nervous and want you out. If you try to pat under her chin instead of on her head to her back she'll freak out because she'll think you want her to groom you instead of you grooming her (I'm not sure whether you already knew about that or not). But ya, that's all. If you have more questions you can email me I think by clicking my name maybe? I'm new to this website.

GoodluckMy rabbit is really aggressive and always acts up. What can i do about it?
Fix her. It gets rid of aggression.
So... she doesn't eat any food? How long have you had her? That can be very dangerous if she doesn't eat anything for more than 24 hours. If so, take her to a vet ASAP!

If you just got her, call the breeder, pet store, shelter, whatever and ask what food they were feeding her, then get her the exact same kind. If you want to switch to something different, mix a little bit of the new stuff in at a time so she slowly gets used to it.

As for aggression, that's not unusual especially if she isn't spayed. I highly recommend that. Also, don't bug her while she's in her cage. Set her (hopefully large) cage up so she can hop into and out of it on her own during playtime instead of being picked up. Train her to go back in for a treat- it's pretty easy. Give her lots of toys inside and outside of her cage, because you'd be pretty angry if you were stuck in a boring cage all day too, wouldn't you?
Bring her to the vet.
Well one fixing ur rabbits gets rid of alot of the agression...but if she will not eat or drink she needs to go to a vet ASAP. I hope she alright.
What kind of food are you giving her? I have two rabbits. I give them a lot of Timothy Hay, a couple cups of pellets and lots of fresh veggies every day. They also get about 1/2 cup of fruit each. Make sure you have clean water for your rabbit. If you are giving water in a bowl, try a bottle or the other way around. If you are giving lots of veggies, she may not drink as much water. Rabbits don't like being held much so if you are trying to hold her a lot maybe back down a bit. Get a book on keeping rabbits, they have lots of good advice. Good luck with your rabbit.

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