Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How do I litter train my rabbit?


My 7 week old rabbit is an angel, and she does poop in one place in her cage - unfortunately this ';one place'; is her food tray. I know she's a coprophage, but it does make it difficult to clean her food dish. I gave her a litter tray, but she uses it as a bed, and she uses her bed as a jungle gym xD.

How do I correct the behavior and get her to poop in the litter tray, rather than her food bowl?


*~Moonfox~*How do I litter train my rabbit?
Put a litter box in place of the food tray as this seems to be her designated spot and put her food tray in a different place. She will go to the food tray to eat and should continue to eliminate in the spot she has chosen. Rabbits will almost always use their litter box as their resting place, it doesn't seem to do any harmHow do I litter train my rabbit?
She sounds like a typical youngster. Try training her out of her cage. Put in a segregated area on a floor rather than a rug and put the litter box in the middle. As she hops around and poops, pick it up and put it in the litter box and show her that you are doing it and then put her in the box. Do this on 3 - 4 seperate occasions and then she should get it. Once she urinates in the box once, she will smell it the next time and it will become the designated poop and pee box. Eventually when you take her out, she will only go in the box, not on the floor. My rabbits scatch or nip me when they are being held and have to go to their box. They don't scratch or nip any other time. How smart is that?
my god i was going threw the same thing aswell! i also have a rabbit i have a dwarf lop and when i first got him from the breeder she said that if i was thinking about toilet training him i should have a litter tray in his hutch and put the food dish ontop of the litter tray because apparently rabbits poo when they are eating so i tryed it for a little while and he just used to sleep in his littertray aswell and my dad said he was laying on the littertray because it was cool and it was kind of frustrating trying to get him to go to the toilet on it. after about 3 months i gave up but anyway maybe she is pooping in her food ball because like not being weird or anything but rabbits eat their poo aswell because sometimes it has fibre or something in it so this might be a reason to her behaiviour.

hoped i helped sorry for babbling on :s
Move her food dish away from her potty place. And start potty training her all over.

They are just like cats and dogs.

You just have to be consistent and not sluff off. It's important.

And that ehow site is an awesome place to learn how other real people figured out how to do things.

Bunnies are really good pets! And they don't bark...much. ;o)
put the food on the litter tray. gradually give her less and less while that becomes her main pooping spot. the put her bowl back in and her food in the bowl. hope it helps. It worked with my guinea pigs but i got the advice from a rabbit owner.

Use this site. It really helped me.


Or you can just buy another food dish and let her use the old one as litter box.

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